Economic Survey 2024-2025
Wealth management is enjoying favorable momentum, with an increase in assets under management
Press Conference 2024
Strength in unity
Image des banques en Suisse
entre confiance et vigilance

A living fondation !

Stay connected to the news of the Place to discover press releases, opinions and events not to be missed.

The Geneva financial center

Key figures

Financial and related professional services employment in Geneva
Contribution of the financial sector as a share of Geneva State GDP

Building Bridges 2024

The Geneva Financial Center is proud to be a Founding Partner of Building Bridges

Building Bridges 2024 will take place on December 9-12 at the CICG in Geneva. This fith edition will create a vibrant space where cross-sector collaboration will help drive the alignment of capital flows with global sustainability goals. Over four days, we will delve into transformative discussions, engage in strategic networking and showcase financial innovations shaping the global financial system —with Switzerland and Geneva at the forefront.

The Summit, held on Monday, 9 December, serves as the marquee event to kick off the week, featuring an impressive line-up of speakers. The Action Days, from 10 to 12 December, feature unmissable High-Level Plenaries, bringing participants together at key moments, complemented by a compelling programme of crowd-sourced events.


Mobilising Private Capital to tackle Climate Change

Don't miss the joint event of Swissbanking, AMAS and the Geneva Financial Center on December 11, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30. With the expert collaboration of the World Bank Group, the Inter-American Development Bank, and SIFEM, this workshop aims to discuss these hurdles and solutions with involved stakeholders.

Geneva Financial Center

Talents, competitiveness and innovation

Discover the assets of the Geneva financial center in 45 seconds!

Today Geneva is universally recognized as a global financial center. Its reputation depends on the expertise and skills of the 37,900 people working in finance and banking. Innovation is another key success factor. The Geneva financial center is exploring many promising avenues to pioneer the finance of the future, including FinTech, sustainable finance and philanthropy.

Geneva Financial Center

Sondage d'opinion sur les banques en Suisse

La réputation des banques se montre résiliente

Le climat d’opinion reste relativement stable et positif. Une majorité de Suisses et de Suissesses est clairement convaincue de l’importance du rôle des banques pour l’économie et la société.

Selon le sondage bisannuel réalisé par gfs.bern sur mandat de l'Association suisse des banquiers, la réputation des banques se montre globalement résiliente et résiste à la crise de Credit Suisse. Sur le principe, les personnes interrogées sont en grande majorité d’accord avec la réaction des autorités et considèrent que les mesures prises ont permis d’assurer la stabilité de la place financière suisse. Néanmoins, elles estiment que le rôle de l’Etat et la responsabilité de Credit Suisse doivent être examinés et clarifiés. En revanche, une majorité s’oppose à une réglementation globale de l’économie.

La perception des banques suisses par les citoyens et citoyennes helvétiques au sujet de la compétitivité et au sentiment de sécurité est stable. Dans leur esprit, les banques suisses n’ont que légèrement perdu en compétitivité en comparaison internationale depuis le début de la pandémie Covid-19, notamment grâce à la stabilité politique et économique de la Suisse. Le sentiment de sécurité se maintient à un niveau élevé malgré une année 2023 turbulente.

Afin de renforcer la compétitivité, les programmes de formation dans le secteur bancaire, l’orientation vers la durabilité et la protection de la sphère privée devraient être développés.  


Geneva Financial Center

Switzerland, a long-time global leader in cross-border wealth management

USD 2,600 billion AuM

In the latest edition of the Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) Global Wealth Report, published in July 2024, Switzerland continues to top the list of financial centres ranked according to the volume of cross-border assets.

With USD 2,600 billion in foreign-owned assets managed in Switzerland, Switzerland is ahead of Hong Kong (USD 2,400 billion) and Singapore (USD 1,700 billion).


Despite temporary concerns about sanctions and asset freezes, and a major bank merger, Switzerland continues to be a bastion of cross-border wealth, thanks to its neutrality, stable economy, low inflation and  a highly-developed financial infrastructure.

Geneva Financial Center

EY Banking Barometer 2024

Positive mood & confidence among Swiss banks

The results of the EY Banking Barometer 2024 reflect "an extremely positive mood among Swiss banks. 96% of banks surveyed expect their operating profit for 2023 to rise – a record figure, up 18 percentage points from last year. They also forecast growing income for the future, underlining their confidence in their own ability to generate value. This confidence is remarkable, especially given the background of a challenging environment of geopolitical tensions, banking collapses, persistent inflation and a slowing economy".


Geneva Financial Center

World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2023

Switzerland still in the top 5

The World Digital Competitiveness Ranking 2023, published each year by IMD, shows that Switzerland remains in fifth place thanks to the quality of its infrastructure, cutting-edge regulation and the ability of its companies to transform themselves.

The challenges ahead include cybersecurity, the use of Big Data, the availability of venture capital as well as online citizen participation. The study underlines in particular the Swiss citizens' rejection of digital identity in March 2021 and their concerns about transparency.


Geneva Financial Center

A Unique Chain of Expertise

Created in 1991 by the 80 banks that were members of the Geneva stock exchange, the Geneva Financial Center (GFC) is the umbrella association of the financial sector. The financial sector generates 35,600 jobs and accounts for 12% of Geneva's GDP. It is based on three main pillars: private and institutional wealth management, commodity trade financing, and commercial and retail banking. With the presence of activities such as marine freight and inspection, Geneva has emerged as an economic cluster with a unique concentration of skills. The central mission of the Geneva Financial Center is to support this value chain and to contribute to the development of  an optimal business environment for all financial center partners.

Geneva Financial Center